As a firm, we focus on foreseeing and addressing legal challenges that businesses may encounter. Our team comprises of seasoned professionals with experience, ensuring adept guidance through complex legal scenarios.

Our philosophy is to assist clients to develop and implement models which revolve around shielding their businesses from an array of legal risks. By offering insightful counsel and strategic foresight, we empower clients to navigate intricate regulatory frameworks with confidence. Our multifaceted approach encompasses comprehensive legal and compliance management, thus fortifying enterprises against potential pitfalls.

With an in-depth understanding of India’s dynamic legal landscape, we proactively identify potential areas of vulnerability, enabling preemptive measures. Our team of seasoned and commercially adroit lawyers are committed to ensuring value creation for our clients through our actionable advice that balances the requirements of the legal and regulatory landscape with the clients’ commercial objectives.


Managing Partner

M&A/ Private Equity, General Corporate & Commercial Advisory, Real Estate, Labour & Employment Laws, Strategic Dispute Advisory

Probal has more than 30 years’ experience in advising clients in corporate and commercial matters. Probal’s core areas of focus include advising domestic and foreign clients on mergers, acquisitions, private equity investments, joint ventures and real estate transactions. Probal also provides strategic advisory to clients on disputes. He holds memberships of the New York State Bar Association and the Bar Council of Delhi.


Phone: +91 98100 54868



M&A/ Private Equity, General Corporate & Commercial Advisory, Real Estate, Labour & Employment Laws

Nidhi has more than 15 years’ experience in advising clients on corporate and commercial laws. Nidhi advises domestic and foreign clients on general corporate matters, advisory on setting up presence in India, M&A/ PE / joint venture transactions, real estate transactions and employment & labour laws. She is a law graduate and a qualified Company Secretary. She is a member of the Bar Council of Delhi.


Phone: +91 98990 57159


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