Clients About Us

working together to serve your needs

“Having collaborated with Probal professionally for more than three decades, I’ve consistently appreciated his insightful and practical advice. He excels in bringing clarity to situations by applying time-tested fundamental principles. His pragmatic and candid approach during our interactions, particularly in commercial negotiations and legal due diligences, showcases his foresight in addressing potential areas of litigation or dispute proactively. Probal’s commitment to perfection makes him a valuable asset as a legal advisor.

In addition, I’ve had the privilege of working with his partner, Nidhi, who complements Probal’s approach with meticulous attention to detail and a diligent work ethic. Her extensive knowledge and adept handling of complex situations have left a positive impression.

I extend my best wishes to EVA Law for its future endeavors and eagerly anticipate opportunities for future collaboration with them.”

by Ajit Krishnan,
Partner, EY

EY ,

Over the last twenty years, Probal has become an indispensable part of our legal strategy in India.  While legal matters present complexity and difficulties, Probal has consistently maintained a pleasant demeanor and respected our deadlines.  Over this period, he has kept the interests of the Group at heart and made it his top priority.  We have consistently observed exceptional expertise and professionalism.

Vicat ,

by Philippe Chiorra, Vicat S.A.

“From curating valuable legal solutions to offering diversified knowledge, the team at EVA Law symbolizes legal guidance at its best. In addition to employing a personalized approach while retaining absolute professionalism, the team helps you navigate through the complexities of the ever-evolving global regulatory landscape with ease. Working with the team is truly a privilege where everyone across levels is determined to go the extra mile to handhold and most importantly, instil confidence.”

Amicorp Group ,

by Debashish Dasgupta, Amicorp Group
1 (800) 123 45 67
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News & Cases

we will fight for your case too

Inside India’s Landmark Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023

The Digital Personal Data Protection Act (Act) received the assent of the President of India on 11 August 2023 and was subsequently published in the official gazette. The introduction of the Act is a significant milestone in India’s rapid digital transformation process.The Act is expected to be brought in force in phases

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Overseas Listing of Indian Companies

In recent years, Indian companies have shown a growing interest in exploring overseas listing as a means to access international capital markets and expand their global footprint. Overseas listing involves the process of listing shares of an Indian company on a foreign stock exchange. This strategy offers numerous benefits, including access to a larger capital

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Non-Disparagement Clauses in Employment Contracts

A non-disparagement clause contained in a contract is aimed at preventing a party to the contract from disparaging the other party. The word “disparage” is a broad term and generally includes, within its ambit, any statement whether oral or written that casts any criticism on individuals or their respective businesses…

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