Decoding SARs: Shaping Employee Incentives in India

Employees play a pivotal role in driving an organization’s growth.  Recent times have witnessed a surge in startups and a thriving e-commerce sector.  Consequently, this led to an increase in opportunities and an escalation in competition.  Given the fact that…

External Commercial Borrowings – Changing trends and its impact

External Commercial Borrowings – Changing trends and its impact
OCTOBER 19, 2023
Introduction The economic development of a country is often dependent on a balance between domestic savings and foreign investment. In instances where the difference between domestic savings & internal investment requirements become prominent,

Overseas Listing of Indian Companies

In recent years, Indian companies have shown a growing interest in exploring overseas listing as a means to access international capital markets and expand their global footprint. Overseas listing involves the process of listing shares of an Indian company on a foreign stock exchange. This strategy offers numerous benefits, including access to a larger capital

Non-Disparagement Clauses in Employment Contracts

A non-disparagement clause contained in a contract is aimed at preventing a party to the contract from disparaging the other party. The word “disparage” is a broad term and generally includes, within its ambit, any statement whether oral or written that casts any criticism on individuals or their respective businesses…


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